Jan 03, 2024

The Most Effective Strategies For Mastering The Reading And Writing Section Of The Digital Sat

The Reading and Writing modules of the digital SAT often pose challenges for students. However, with the right strategies, you can navigate this section with confidence and ease. In this guide, we will explore some of the best approaches to tackle the Reading and Writing section of the digital SAT. So, let’s get started.

Before moving on, if you feel like knowing more about the test before you learn our top strategies, download our free ebook, Sneak Peek into the Digital SAT.

Following are the most essential strategies to adopt in order to avoid any setbacks on the test or during the prep.

Preview the Question stems: Before diving into the passage, read the question stem only, excluding the answer choices. This prevents you from being influenced by the answer choices that can condition you to think or perceive the passage in a certain way.

Active Reading: After you know what the question demands, engage actively with the passage. Underline key ideas, jot down notes in the margins, and mark any specific details that stand out. This not only aids comprehension but also provides a reference point for answering questions. In almost all cases you won’t have to do much back-and-forth before you arrive at the right answer.

Pace Yourself: The Reading Test is time-sensitive, so manage your time wisely. Answer your questions NOT in the order they appear, but in the order they are most logical to be attempted. To know more about the most efficient ordering strategy, feel free to download our Free ebook , Sneak Peek into the Digital SAT. In a nutshell, though, attempt the rest of the test before you attempt reading questions. Leave them until last.

Question Types: Last but not the least, familiarize yourself with the different question types, some of which are main idea, detail-oriented, and inference-based questions. Tailor your approach based on the question at hand. The one-size-fits-all strategy is bound to fail on the digital Reading and Writing section questions. Instead of diverging, you can refer to the Sneak Peek into the Digital SAT for all question types.

Grammar Rules: Brush up on essential grammar rules and conventions. There will be questions that will assess your ability to identify and correct grammatical errors, so a solid understanding of grammar is crucial. Again, there is more grammar than you need to know for the digital SAT, so a good place to start is Verbs and Tenses. And yes, in our classes, we do go through all the other types. In the interest of time and brevity, I won’t drag this blog on any longer than what the title promises.

Contextual Understanding: For many question types, context will provide the best clue. Consider the context of the writing. Questions often focus on how a particular phrase or sentence functions within the passage.

General Tips

Elimination Strategy: When uncertain about an answer, use the process of elimination. Discard obviously incorrect options to increase your chances of selecting the correct one.

Practice Regularly: Familiarity breeds confidence. Incorporate regular practice tests into your preparation routine to acclimate yourself to the format and pace of the digital SAT. To do so, we have hundreds of practice questions and tens of mock tests on our website/portal  for our students to master their craft.

Time Management: Develop effective time management skills. Allot specific amounts of time for reading, answering questions, and revising, and stick to these timeframes to optimize efficiency.

In conclusion, mastering the Reading and Writing section of the digital SAT requires a combination of strategic approaches and diligent practice. By understanding the structure of the test, employing specific strategies for each section, and adopting general tips, you can enhance your performance and approach the test with confidence.

Adopt the strategy outlined above and book a free full length digital SAT diagnostic test to see the improvement yourself.


Book a free digital SAT Mock Test Now https://www.unihawk.com/enquire-now

Happy studying!

By: Syed Idrees, Sr Verbal Trainer

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